How to install Gokart Hoverboard
How to install Gokart? Does it go with my Hoverboard?
Here are the answers & steps to install HyperGoGo Hoverboard Gokart.
- Lift up the steering wheel to the proper position and extend adjust the gokart length as required.
- Install the steering wheel & seat successively. After fix all the things gokart installation is complete.
Attach Hoverboard
The best thing of Hypergogo kart is the only gokart in the market can go with almost all hoverboards available in the market, Universal Hoverboard Gokart. Hoverboard can be attach very easily to gokart just need to follow few steps.
- Make sure hoverboard on/off button are outwards.
- Parallel the kart to the hoverboard & place the bracket on top of the hoverboard footpad.
- Hook a side of the velcro strap to the front of the bracket, pull the strap under the hoverboard & attach the other side of the Velcro strap to the back of the base bracket.
- Pull the strap to ensure it is mounted as close and secure as possible around the hoverboard.
After followed all these steps, turn on the hoverboard and be ready to drive "Hyper GoGo Gokart - Race is On".